“Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.”
― Pablo Picasso



‘Sentient’ was the first big cat I had painted in a while and completing it using a more focused and practiced technique for painting fur detail yielded one of my favorite projects ever. I was able to get great images taken of it before it went off to its new home and it is my goal to have it be the first of my paintings to be available as a fine art print.

TITLE: Sentient
MEDIUM: Acrylic on Canvas
DIMENSIONS: 20” x 24”
SUBJECT: Siberian Tiger
DATE: 12-2020
STATUS: Prints Available

  • Tigers are the biggest cats in the world.

  • Tigers live in South Asia and Southeast Asia, and also the Russian Far East and China. They inhabit tropical lowland evergreen forest, dry thorn forest, monsoonal forest, birch and scrub oak woodlands, mangrove swamps and tall grass jungles.

  • Tigers are solitary animals, except during the mating season and when the females give birth.

  • They are very good swimmers and can kill prey while swimming.

  • These animals are polygynous. They have no association with mates aside from mating.

  • IUCN's Threatened Species Red List categorizes all existing tiger species as endangered. The main threats are human persecution through hunting, and habitat destruction.

  • According to the Defenders Of Wildlife resource the total population size of the Tiger is around 3,000-4,500 individuals.


