“Creating artwork allows your mind to be in a safe place while it contemplates the tougher issues you are dealing with. One can use the tools of brush, paint, pastels, crayons etc to expose and even for a short time color those issues in a different light.”
George E. Miller



This piece was completed during one of the darkest periods of my life. Getting all my emotions out in this piece was such a release. I let them come through in the freedom of the Purple Iris fronds. Usually my pieces have one subject with no other points of focus but I allowed myself to step outside of my comfort zone with this one and just let inspiration talk. Just be free and release.
I made this piece for my best friend, Jalisa and I chose to incorporate some features that represent her. Her favorite animal is an elephant and she is a big fan of Beyoncé hence the title. She is a February baby so I painted an Amethyst and Purple Irises which both represent the month of February.
Jalisa, making this piece for you and you simultaneously being there for me in my time of need is something I will never take for granted. Thank you for always being there. And thank you for always being willing to do spontaneous photoshoots!

MEDIUM: Acrylic & Gold Foil on Canvas
DIMENSIONS: 22” x 28”
SUBJECT: Asian Elephant & Purple Iris
DATE: 09-2020
STATUS: Unavailable

  • As a general rule, they live in herds, consisting of more than 20 females. The oldest female leads the group in its movement routes, searching for food and water source.

  • Male elephants, on the contrary, lead solitary life. From time to time, though, they send and receive messages from the herds over huge distances by means of high frequencies sounds, imperceptible to the human ear.

  • Elephants can sing! They use extremely low, ultrasound frequencies not perceptible for human ears. They sing when they want to keep the heard together and looking for mates.

  • The elephants spend most of the day (16 hours) eating. In addition, an average elephant drinks up to 40-50 gallons of water per day.


