“Where words are restrained, the eyes often talk a great deal.”

Samuel Richardson-


Big Cats have always had my heart. Every few years I have a new favorite. Right now, leopards of all kinds have my full attention. Something about the intensity in the eyes whether something has their full attention or they’re just leisurely lounging on a branch high up. Jacques Barlow is an amazing wildlife photographer who caught my attention early in my art journey. The Sapphire Sentinel is inspired by his photography. In my head, the story behind his eyes is due to him being the all knowing guardian of a cave of sapphires. Think “Aladdin” Cave of Wonders. I have a wild imagination haha.

TITLE: Sapphire Sentinel
MEDIUM: Acrylic on Canvas
DIMENSIONS: 24” x 24”
SUBJECT: African Leopard
DATE: 05-2019
STATUS: Unavailable

  • Leopards are distributed across huge area, stretching from sub-Saharan Africa to West Asia and the Middle East, reaching South and Southeast Asia and Siberia.

  • Being exceptional climbers, these animals spend most of the daytime hours resting under sheltered rocks or in shady places among tree branches.

  • Black panthers are leopards with melanistic genes.

  • Leopards are able to hear five times more sounds than humans.

  • Along with the tiger, lion and jaguar, leopard is one of four big cats, meanwhile being the smallest of them.

  • Leopards are exceptionally good swimmers and excellent jumpers, able to leap up to 6 meters forward and 3 meters high.

  • Throughout history, leopards have played an important role in artwork, mythology and folklore in many countries of its habitat. Even now, leopards are used as a sport emblem in most African countries.


